Engagiert by Schaaf: Rossfeld Panoramastraße mit 500ccm - yes

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Video von: Schaaf | vom: 07.07.2015
Homepage: http://www.facebook.com/schaafyoutube

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Details: Engagiert by Schaaf: Rossfeld Panoramastraße ...

Roßfeld Panoramastraße - Riding Rossfeld by Honda CB500 | Schaaf

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Here we go again! Welcome to early June 2015. The time of my first and so far only bike trip this season. A good friend, his girlfriend, and myself went for a 3 day trip into the heart of Austria. We also went to Bavaria, Germany for a short visit and this is were we found this wonderful mountain road called "Rossfeld Panoramastraße" you can see in the video. With 500kms this year on my little Honda so far you'll see that my riding is far away from spot on. Sloppy line and awkward gear shifting. But I enjoyed myself and no one was put into danger so all is good. Enjoy!
BTW: the guy who high-fived me was the good friend I mentioned earlier. We didn't set this up though, he surprised me :)

Google-Maps: http://bit.ly/1HHzmCF
Info: http://www.rossfeldpanoramastrasse.de/
Motorad: 1994 Honda CB500 PC26
Cam: GoPro Hero3+ Black Edition / 1080p/50 / SuperView / ProTune OFF
Audio: ZOOM H1
Edit: Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 & After Effects CS6

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