Evel-Live: Travis Pastrana 52 Crushed Car Jump / Tribut an Evel Knievel

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Video von: NitroCircus | vom: 09.07.2018
Homepage: http://nitrocircus.com/tour/

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Details: Evel-Live: Travis Pastrana 52 Crushed Car Jum...

Evel-Live (08.07.18) Tribut an Evel Knievel von Travis Pastrana / Nitro Circus. Travis hat drei der berühmtesten Sprünge von Evel Knievel übertroffen:

- 52 Crushed Car Jump
Sprung über 52 Schrottautos

- 16 Greyhound Bus Jump
Sprung über 52 Greyhound Busse

- Caesars Fountain Jump
Sprung über den Springbrunnen des Caesars Palace.
Bei dem Sprung verlor Knievel vor 50 Jahren fast sein Leben.

Evel Live, an unprecedented three-hour event premiering Sunday, July 8, at 8 pm ET / 5 pm PT on HISTORY®, produced in partnership with Nitro Circus, will see Travis Pastrana pay tribute to Evel Knievel by attempting to exceed three of Evel’s most iconic jumps. Travis will look to surpass Evel’s 50 crushed car record as well as beat his 14 bus record by jumping 16 Greyhound buses. Then Travis will cap the night off by attempting to complete the famous Caesars Palace fountain jump that 50 years ago left Knievel grasping for his life. Raising the stakes even more, Travis will attempt these jumps on a v-twin motorcycle similar to what Evel used. He will be jumping a modern-day evolution of the flat-track motorcycles of the past, the Indian Scout FTR750.

Nitro Circus Tour: http://nitrocircus.com/tour/
Evel Live Info: https://nitrocircus.com/evel-live/

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